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Hatch Hose Fire Company Grill Pavilion

This frame was designed and cut by our high school students in 2018 as a Dragon Beam Hipped Roof Grill Pavilion with Ridge Cupola. The design also features rotated posts that required compound joinery at the braces. This frame was our first Compound-Roof Frame and was influenced by Steve Chappell's Advanced Timber Framing Workshop at the Fox Maple School of Timber Framing. We have vowed to never repeat a frame and there is no shortage of design options that continue to inspire us to design creative, artistic frames that beautifully serve their purpose. Once again, our hosts, The Hatch Hose Fire Company in Atlanta, NY spoiled our students with commemorative Tee-shirts and a fabulous lunch. The Fire Department uses the shelter for steak roasts and chicken BBQs that generate much-needed funds for a variety of trainings and equipment. 

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